Oldies but goldies


Plastic Man. Duelling the dope smugglers (1941), de Jack Cole.

Snowman (1944), de John Giunta y Frank Frazetta.

Fuzzy (1946-1947), de Jack Cole.

Odd Jobs Inc (1946), de Jack Cole.

Woozy Winks. The escape of Smelly Pitts (1946), de Jack Cole.

Plastic Man. The menace of Mr. Aqua (1950), de Jack Cole.

Here we go again (1951), de Virgil Franklin Partch.

Plastic Man. Plague of the plastic people (1959), de Jack Cole.

Television ghost… (1951), de Charles Stern.

The man who sold his soul! (1952), de John Romita, y The man who steals gravestones! (1953), de Sol Brodsky, aquí.

End of the line (1955), de Ogden Whitney.

Plastic Man. The dirty devices of Dr. Dome (1961), de Arnold Drake y Gil Kane.

Flash Gordon, de Dan Barry.

¡Ataque a Gibraltar! (1969), de Milo Milani y Alberto Breccia.

Word salad (1970), de Fred Schrier (1 y 2).

The head of the house y The monster, ambas de 1970 y de Jack Oleck y Alfredo Alcala.

Batman and the Atom. The corpse that wouldn’t die! (1974), de Bob Haney y Jim Aparo.

Stephanie Starr. In the light of future days (1977), de Mike Friedrich y Dick Giordano.

Batman. The tomb of the white bat! (1978), de Denny O’Neil, Michael Golden y P Craig Russell.

Superman and Green Lantern. Between friend and foe (1980), de Marv Wolman, Jim Starlin y Steve Mitchell.